Why Use the Capabilities Rapid Assessment Tool?
Does your organization have the capabilities to achieve success? Is your business working in the most effective way? What are the capabilities and processes that need to be improved?
Use this online tool to get a quick snapshot of the strength of key capabilities of your organization. Then improve those capabilities to drive growth and high performance.
How to Use This Tool
Before you start, read the Guide included in the email you were sent when you registered.
Go through the questions below. Against each question you will find a slider. Adjust the value of the slider, using your mouse, to answer the question. You can move the slider button from Zero (default starting point) to Five (extreme right).
The values correspond to these answers
- 1 = Weak capabilities in all levels and departments.
- 2 = Poor. Individuals and/or some departments or functions show this capability, but it is not prevalent across the organization.
- 3 = Available but not strongly used/adopted
- 4 = Good. Available and used most of the time.
- 5 = Strongly available and used in all processes across the entire organization.
If you are accessing this page via a mobile phone, it might be better to use it in landscape mode to see the page edge to edge.
Slider Table and Results Chart
External Scanning | Do you have the processes to monitor and assess the external conditions that influence the organization? | |
Leadership | Do you feel your Executives provide the right level of leadership? Are they good behavioural role models? | |
Mission & Strat | Are employees clear about the central purpose of the organization? | |
Org. Culture | Do you feel the culture (the collection of explicit and implied rules, values and principles that guide organizational behavior) supports personal and business growth? | |
Mgmt Practices | Are managers able to execute the strategy with the current level of human and material resources? | |
Org. Struc. | Does the organization structure help decision-making and effective performance? | |
Systems | Are all the required policies and mechanisms in place to facilitate work and objective achievement? | |
Capabilities | Do employees have the skills and attitudes to accomplish assigned work or responsibilities? | |
Motivations | Do employees show enough motivation to take needed action over long periods of time to achieve their organization goals? | |
Org.and Indiv.Perf. | Is the organization getting the desired benefits of the efforts being put in by employees? |